Budgeting | Managing Debt | Career Planning | & Affording Major Goals

What Coaching Covers:

Coaching covers the foundational aspects of money management relating to budgeting, debt, and saving for major goals. You’ll receive help from a professional advisor in overcoming barriers to achieving your financial goals and a plan to work toward financial independence.


Help Building & Sticking to a Budget

Your budget should be a living document which helps you prioritize your spending according to the life you want to build — both now & in your future. The focus is on shifting your spending toward your priorities with no judgements about your past spending.


Assistance Managing Debt & Improving your Credit score

Debt can be a tool to help you build long-term wealth or a devastating force in your life, draining you of financial resources and causing stress between spouses and family members. 


Mentoring on advancing your career and growing income

You can’t budget your way to wealth. Good guidance is key to improving your income; whether you need help with resumes and interviewing, strategies for asking for a raise, a plan for personal development toward advancement, or just need someone to bounce an opportunity off of.


Planning to help you buy a home

Work toward your dream of owning a home through intentional saving toward a down payment, analysis of how much you can afford based on the true cost of home ownership, and guidance through the shopping and purchase process.


Preparing for starting a business

Set yourself and your business up for success with guidance on preparing financially for the leap to entrepreneurship as well as a structured proven process for the launch and initial stages of your business.


Plan for your 30-year vacation

Begin your journey toward retirement with an initial plan for achieving the retirement you always wanted. You’ll receive analysis and recommendations on an optimal savings rate, projections for Social Security, and a target goal for your retirement balance combined with a plan to get there.*


Afford college without THREATENING your financial security

Sending a child to college shouldn’t mean sacrificing your financial wellbeing. Coaching offers assistance with developing a savings plan, understanding the student loan process, pursuing scholarships and grants, and making wise choices of college and major. You’ll also get assistance with managing student loans.


Risk Management - Protecting what you build

Building a strong financial foundation includes making sure a disaster doesn't come and take it all away. Get help understanding how you can best manage the risks in your life and when insurance would and would not be an appropriate option. (Coaches do not sell insurance products or accept commissions).


Tax Implications

Coaching clients receive education and strategies on the tax implications of their decisions. Taxes are one of the major factors that influence wealth-building, and understanding tax efficiency and tax avoidance (the legal one) strategies are of vital importance.

Learn More About How Coaching Can Help

Schedule a free half-hour coaching call to get personal help on achieving your financial goals.

During the call, we will talk about your goals and begin to discuss a plan for how you can achieve them.