Whether you run a Fortune 500 company or a family, budgeting is the foundation of your financial success. Unfortunately, many don't budget because either it takes too long, or they don't want to be constrained. But budgeting doesn't have to be time consuming and it shouldn't keep you from spending your money the way you want.

Purposeful Finance Basic Budget

Purposeful Finance Basic Budget (PFB Budget) is designed to take the pain out of budgeting. Instead of taking hours of work to build, the PFB Budget provides you a quick estimate of how you spend your money and then helps you direct your money based on what's important to you.  It's the perfect first step in building a complete budget and financial plan.

The Budget Challenge

Challenge yourself to build a budget you'll actually stick to. The PFB Budget is based on your priorities and what's important to you, not how some 'expert' thinks you should spend your money. It's your money. If your budget doesn't reflect how you want to spend your money you'll never stick to the budget.

If you have time to make or get coffee in the morning, you have time to budget. Gather your checking and credit card statements and you’ll be ready to go.