Grow Your Members; Grow Your Credit Union.

The Credit Union Movement is rooted in growing through helping members grow their financial success. Purposeful Finance offers credit unions syndicated financial literacy articles that can be used for newsletters, social media, websites, and other marketing purposes.

Content is written with a mind toward education, not sales. Articles are written in the best interest of the member, with clear and objective financial education at their core. No product sales, no biased viewpoints, and no conflicts of interest.

The trust generated by an education-focused approach positions your credit union as an unbiased partner with the member; helping them to improve their financial lives.


Purposeful Finance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free and low-cost financial planning resources to the public. Our mission is expanding financial literacy not profit.

Pay what you want

Credit Unions can receive a license to use articles free of charge and then choose to support Purposeful Finance based on the value you receive. You may choose to donate to support our financial literacy efforts or continue to use articles free of charge.

Use Articles As:

  • Social media posts

  • Newsletter articles

  • Website content

  • marketing campaigns

Sample Content

About the Author

Articles are written by Joshua Escalante Troesh, a Tenured Professor of Business who has spent nearly 20 years educating students on personal finance and entrepreneurship. Joshua has been quoted in Forbes, US News & World Report, Investopedia, The Street, and many other publications.

As a former credit union Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, he successfully used unbiased education to showcase the benefits of his credit union and help bring the credit union to one of the top 50 fastest growing credit unions for member growth and loan growth in 2007.

About our Non Profit

Purposeful Finance is an approved 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the financial lives of the public through offer low-cost and free financial planning resources.

Your support not only provides your credit union with unbiased educational content for members, but also helps expand financial literacy and advocacy for consumers across the U.S.

Offer Purposeful Finance Articles to Your Members

Each month, you'll receive an article written to educate your members and provide them with financial planning strategies to improve their financial lives. You'll also receive high-resolution, royalty-free images which can be used with the articles on your website, in newsletters, or in social media.

Engaging member where they currently are

Purposeful Finance is unlike other sources of content which write articles to be evergreen and provide basic explanations of financial concepts. Our articles are written to be relevant to the current issues facing your members; providing a mix of current events, financial principles, and actionable advice.

When the 2017 Equifax data breach occurred, Purposeful Finance provided reporting on what happened, but also gave advice on concrete steps members could take to protect themselves - such as step-by-step directions on how to opt out of Equifax's arbitration clause.

Encouraging Conversations Between Members and Your Credit Union

This combination of education, advice, and relevance encourages members to seek help from their credit union whenever they have a financial question. And when these conversations happen, opportunities to serve members with appropriate financial products naturally arise.


Purposeful Finance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free and low-cost financial planning resources to the public. Our mission is expanding financial literacy not profit.

Increase Engagement

Make your credit union the first place members think of to get initial advice on finances. When your members have financial questions, many companies offer advice including pay day lenders and check cashers. Consistent and relevant financial advice encourages members to get help from a source who cares about them - their credit union.  

Educate Members

Provide members with unbiased, relevant, and actionable advice on their personal finances. Credit unions have long been the vanguard of providing foundational financial education in their communities. Your credit union can go beyond financial education and offer actionable financial advice to your members through a trusted third-party.

Lower Lending Risk

Improving members' financial lives reduces both financial stress and the chance of default. It might seem obvious, but when members are financially secure, they are more likely to pay their loans on time and as agreed. Providing members with unbiased financial advice is as good for your credit union's balance sheet as it is for your members'.

Deepen Relationships

Strengthening your relationship with members also raises average products per member. A stronger relationship makes members more likely to consider their credit union as an option for their next financial product. And when credit unions have an opportunity to compete, they win.

Pay what you want

Credit Unions can receive a license to use articles free of charge and then choose to support Purposeful Finance based on the value you receive. You may choose to donate to support our financial literacy efforts or continue to use articles free of charge.